Thursday, July 16, 2009

Ice Cold Drink on a Hot Summer Day

Featured Pet of the Day: Sit back and enjoy an ice cold drink on a hot summer day on Yuppy's Petizens Profile! The page is decorated with a light blue background that could brighten up any gloomy day. In addition to the many great summer pictures of Yuppy, the page has fun stickers including sun shine and delicious drink stickers. Yuppy is a paying member and took advantage of rotated photos and speach bubbles.

Yuppy is owned by our active user Charly who has two cats. Yuppy and her owner live in Belgium. Stop by their page and vote so they can win the summer competition!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Search for Some Sea Shells

Petizens Featured Page of the Day: Who doesn't like searching for sea shells by the sea shore? You can find tons of sea shells on Bawheid's Petizens page. He is a three year old black Mini-Lop rabbit from Scotland. Bawheid enjoys playing with his three doggy sisters who protect him from danger. The page is decorated with tons of HTML images including lots of fun characters from Alice in Wonderland and fun pool side images! Bawheid is participating in Petizens summer competition and had done an excellent job making his page look like summer! He is a paying user, so he can add as much HTML as he wants and he can rotate photos and add speech bubbles to his pictures! Come search for some sea shells on Baheid's sensational summer page! 

He is owned by our user Susan. Bawheid is on level 16 and is a very active paying user on Petizens. Congratulations and good luck on the competition!! 

Take a Trip to a Tropical Island on Benny's Page

Petizens Featured Page of the Day: Take a day trip to the beach and visit the tropical island of Benny's page! Benny is a Minature Pinscher / Fox Terrier mix from the United States. Benny recently got married and has many great photos on the beach with his wife, Watsie! They enjoy taking long walks on the beach together and sharing their love on petizens. The page is a sandy brown and decorated with ice cold drinks and many other great stickers. The final touch to the tropical paradise on Benny's page is the classic summer music that makes you want to have a night-time bon fire on the beach with your closes friends.

Benny is owned by our user maryalberts. Benny is a very active member on Petizens and has achieved level 18 (a very high level!) Congratulations to Benny and his owner!!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Summer Fun Competition!

Petizens is now hosting a Summer Fun Contest!! Create a summer themed page on Petizens and you could win one of three great prizes!

  • 1st pet One year Gold membership + 25,000 Petopian$
  • 2nd pet Six months Gold membership + 15,000 Petopian$
  • 3rd pet Three months Gold membership + 10,000 Petopian$

  • Once you create your page, you can vote on other users profiles. The user with the highest weighted ranking will win! We have added lots of fun summer stickers and have thousands of custom backgrounds to choose from. It is really easy and fun to make a totally customized page. You can learn more about the competition here:

    Some users have already created their summer fun page. You can see their masterpiece here:

    Hope to see you on Petizens soon!!