Petizens Featured Pet of the Day: Mishak is a pet goat that is participating in the Summer Fun Competition on Petizens. His page has a fun rocky brown texture and is covered in fun goat pictures. He is a "tough guy" and enjoys sports cars and motorcycles. His page also has fun HTML and stickers all over it giving it a great summer look. He is on level 11 and is owned by Marg12 who is from South Carolina in the USA. Currently, he is in 7th place for the summer fun competition so come vote on his page to help him win!!
Petizens is not your typical social network for pets, we welcome all pets- not just dogs and cats. We have a wide variety of pets on our site, and Mishak is a great example. We don't discriminate, dog, cat, bird, goat or whatever pet you may have: add them to Petizens today!